Goodbye, Pete

I enjoy Seeger’s music and appreciate his commitment to equality and environmentalism, so I was sad to learn of his passing.

Be sure to watch “This Land is Your Land” from Obama’s first Inaguration which Seeger performed with Bruce Springsteen and listen to this interview with him on Democracy Now.

Indigo Girls at the State

Rachel and I saw the Indigo Girls in concert Tuesday night at the State Theater. A great show!

The crowd in the balcony is excited!

If I remember correctly, Stephanie (on the right) introduced me to the Indigo Girls when she played their first album for me at the June 1990 Oklahoma Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain.

OSAI (June 1990)

When Allen and I took a road trip to the Grand Canyon in 1992, we bickered because I only wanted to listen to “Rites of Passage.”


Brian and I saw the Indigo Girls in Park City in 1997 or 1998.
For over twenty years, the Indigo Girls have been part of my life’s musical landscape, so I was delighted to see them in a more intimate venue. In addition to playing songs from their new album, “Beauty Queen Sister,” they played all the old standbys, including “Closer to Fine” and “Galileo.”