Half Persian 4-1 – Sterling Silver

Last night, I made a Half Persian 4-1 using all sterling silver jump rings. The jump rings have a smaller gauge and inner diameter than those in the Urban Maille kit, which you can see here. (Don’t get me wrong–having two different metals makes it MUCH easier to learn the weave.)

Which one do you like better?

Half Persian 4-1 – Sterling Silver and Copper

Finally, some jewelry! My mother gave me money to get the new Half Persian 4-1 kit from Urban Maille. The instructions are great and made it really easy to begin a notoriously difficult weave. The kit comes in sterling/copper because it is much easier to learn with two colors of jump rings, but I’m eager to make a bracelet entirely out of sterling silver rings. Thanks, Mother!

Viper Scale

Here’s my Viper Scale bracelet made during a class with Marilyn Gardiner. Marilyn’s kits use hefty, substantial jump rings, so the bracelet is thick and wide. It’s a striking piece, and I’ve worn it nearly every day since I completed it.

Because I’ve been doing chain maille for a relatively long time and have mastered a number of weaves, I take it for granted that I can understand the patterns and make quick work of the pieces. The Viper Scale, though, was the hardest I’ve done since Jen’s Pinds. (My bracelet does have one mistake, but I’m not telling what it is!)


Persian GSG

The latest weave I’ve tried: Persian GSG. So pretty and none of the Half-Persian stress! The instructions I used and rings in this bracelet come from Marilyn Gardiner who also gave me a private class in Viper’s Scale (photo to come). According to Deakron, “GSG” stands for “Great Southern Gathering” because it is at that gathering that Buddha (no, not that Buddha) developed the pattern.